Photo "Affecting Love" Copyright © Paolo Campisi, Sicilian Family Productions,
All Rights Reserved
Affecting Love
"Love that we experience as a child,
though we may not consciously remember it,
becomes a part of who and what we are as a woman or a man."
As a child I had a loving home
maybe a life that was ideal, happy, full of peace and good things.
As an adult I experienced a different life, difficult times,
problems, sacrifices, hard work and little thanks.
I told my mother that the world was not like
the lovely world I knew in her home.
She replied, "We tried our best to make it that way."
My father was a good man a good provider hard working.
I think as a small child like you are now
as I am writing this for you only 14 months, he loved me much and
I loved him like you love me. Full of newness and acceptance
excitement and amazement.
We never really talked much later in my life,
not as you would talk to a friend.
It may have been because I was a lot of trouble
growing, up or something between him and his father, or perhaps it was his way.
I wish that in a some way that he could
have introduced to me more of the things about life that he had learned.
Perhaps he tried but could not find a way to put words into an appetizing setting.
"Like apples in baskets of gold are words in the right setting."
On the other hand my mother and her mother had a gift for getting people
to like them or listen.
So this will be my way of being there for you when you are a man
if I can not be there to talk with you.
Paul Li Campisi